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Thứ Ba, 19 tháng 4, 2011

Chinese Dragon Dance @ Jalan Tan Hiok Nee, Johor Bahru.

The Dragon Dance at Jalan Tanh Hiok Nee (N1.45648 E103.76373) was performed on 5th March 2011. We were there trying to capture some photos of the performance.
The show was started about 8pm and the second show was on 9.30pm. The little street was packed with peoples at every corner!

There were total of 4 Dragons that night and the first Performance was the Blue Dragon.

The Blue Dragon which was mixed with Blue, Red, Silver and White colours...

This was the most aggressive Dragon of the night!

Then follow by the some kind of Red Dragon...

The Red Dragon

The Performance of the Red Dragon

My apologies that I couldn't snap a good photo of the White Furry Dragon, it was because of my built-in Flash...sorry...
So immediately after the performance of the Furry Dragon, there came the Lantern Dragon with Fireworks! These was the impressive Dragon of the night!

The Dragon with Fireworks!

The End Of the Show...

We were standing at one of the corner and cannot move around! Because there were extremely crowded and no place left for us to change location...so you can see all my photos were shooting from Only one corner! :)
My head and camera were Hit by the Dragons few times, and luckily it was still A OK. Haha!

We spent almost 3 hours along the street and too bad we miss the business hour of the IT LOO Cafe for our dinner... yeah...I was grumbling why it close so early?!

It was a GREAT show and we hope they will organize it again in next year!

Location map of Jalan Tan Hiok Nee at Johor Bahru.

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