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Thứ Năm, 31 tháng 12, 2009

Malacca Butterfly And Reptile Sanctuary (Part 1)

The Malacca (Melaka) Butterfly and Reptile Sanctuary (N2 17.993 E102 18.692) is located at the right just after the Ayer Keroh Toll Plaza from North South Expressway. They open everyday from 8.30am to 5.30pm. The entrance fee is MYR5.00 for adult and MYR3.00 for children and MYR10.00 (adult) & MYR5.00 (children) for foreign visitor. If you bring your camera, you gonna pay additional MYR3.00.

There were not many visitors on the day when visited this sanctuary. It's quite free to move around...

Once you enter the main entrance, you will see a big cage with Full of Colourful Parrots!

Follow by the souvenir shop...in front of the souvenir shop, there were many reptile...I believe they are belong to the Lizard family...

The entrance to the Butterfly area...

The butterfly park is rather small, and limited butterfly around...I managed to capture some of them...

Colourful butterflies at the Sanctuary

Passed by the butterfly park, we entering a cave called "Insect Area." It was dark, and I didn't manage to snap a good photo beside this one below...The Group of Scorpions.

Exiting the cave, there was a garden with nice landscape...wooden bridge and others...
I like this area...

Exit of the cave...

I can't figure out what so special about this tortoise, because they situated between this garden...maybe you can tell about it?

Visitors enjoying the green environment...

"This Crystal Rock was only discovered on 14th May 2006 at this part of the aviary - approximately 16 years after the park's officially open. Though at it's very beginning of the Crystal life, many believe that the discovery of crystal formation will bring good luck, which we sincerely hope it will spill over to all visitors that come to see it." - from the signage beside the rock.

There are few American Alligators at the right of the Crystal Rock.

American Alligators

We had a rest over here, and I noticed there are many trees have this kind of fruits (below) surround it...

I took many photos of the sanctuary, so I break it and will continue in Part 2...the next stop will be the 'Koi Garden'...

Related post :-
* Malacca Butterfly And Reptile Sanctuary (Part 2)

Location map of Malacca Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary


Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 12, 2009

Anak Nyonya Restaurant at Jonker Street, Malacca

We love to try all the famous Nyonya food at Malacca. This time it's the turn of Anak Nyonya (Little Nyonya) Restaurant (N02 11.874 E102 14.716) located at Jonker Street, Malacca.

If I'm not mistaken, this restaurant was open after the Famous Singapore Drama Series - "Little Nyonya". (Correct me if I'm wrong). What a good marketing strategy! :)

The restaurant was rather small cause it's only can cater 5 big table and others small table and the back 'Lane'.

We found our table at the back which gave us a different dining experience! :)

Small lane behind the main hall

According to the boss, the famous drink here is the Pineapple juice. We had it double, and taste good!

Pineapple juice of Anak Nyonya Restaurant

Our order :-
1) Assam Prawn
2) Cincaluk Omelette
3) Nyonya Chap-Chai (Mixed vege)
4) Chicken Pongteh

Assam Prawn

Cincaluk Omelette

Nyonya Chap-Chai (Mixed vege)

Chicken Pongteh

Overall the food was acceptable and I love the Cincaluk Omelette! But the Assam Prawn was not fresh!! The mixed vege and the chicken were average to us...

The damage was MYR55.00 for 2 adults and 1 child. Quite expensive compare with other Nyonya Restaurant at Malacca. Maybe because it's situated at Jonker Street...

I rated : 3/5

Anak Nyonya Restaurant
88, Jalan Tokong,
75200 Malaka. (Jonker Street)
Tel/Fax : +606-2882626
Business hour 10.30am - 9.30pm (close on Wednesday)

Location map of Anak Nyonya Restaurant

Related post :-
* Nyonya Suan Restaurant at Malacca
* Ole Sayang Nyonya Food Restaurant, Malacca (Melaka)


Mudskipper at Tanjung Piai - Johor.

We spotted about three type of different Mudskipper around the Tanjung Piai National Park.
Sometime I like to monitor the movement and the activities of the Mudskipper, but it's just too hot under the sun...:)
I don't know the type of the three mudskippers I captured below...will be appreciate if you can provide me the name of it. Thanks.

"Mudskippers are members of the subfamily Oxudercinae (tribe Periophthalmini), within the family Gobiidae (Gobies). They are completely amphibious fish, fish that can use its pectoral fins to "walk" on land.Being amphibious, they are uniquely adapted to intertidal habitats, unlike most fish in such habitats which survive the retreat of the tide by hiding under wet seaweed or in tidal pools. Mudskippers are quite active when out of water, feeding and interacting with one another, for example to defend their territories.

They are found in tropical, subtropical and temperate regions, including the Indo-Pacific and the Atlantic coast of Africa." More info at Wikipedia.

Related post :
* The Southern Most Tip of Mainland Asia - Tanjung Piai of Johor (Part 1)
* Fiddler Crab at Tanjung Piai (Cape) - Johor
* The Jetty of Tanjung Piai (Cape) - Johor (Part 2)
Bluespotted Stingray at Tanjung Piai - Johor
* The Thrid Trail of Piai Cape (Tanjung) - Johor (Part 3)
* Bebaru Trail of Piai Cape (Tanjung) - Johor (Part 4)


Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 12, 2009

Bebaru Trail of Piai Cape (Tanjung) - Johor (Part 4)

The Bebaru Trail is 600 meter long. This trail located before the Admin office of the National Park (you can refer from the picture at Part 1).
The Public Toilet, Campsite and the Activity Area like : Obstacle Course, Fireflies Tower & Mud Trail are in this trail.

There are two campsite situated site-by-site. Both are having the same facilities. Honestly, I love the campsite area. Where all the greenery surrounding...
Each of the tent area are separate, you can view from the photos below.

The Only worry I have is the 'Monkey'! They might attack the foods you bring during the night time! Other than this...it's really good Campsite!

The entrance of the campsite

The trail into the campsite

I cannot understand about this room for female??! Why the female has to sleep inside the Cage?!

The camping area

Each tent will has it's own privacy

The area also provided the shower room, barbeque and dining area (with electricity). All of these are simple setup.

Please save water

After the campsite, you reach the Fireflies Tower. I'm not sure how nice the view is, because I haven't try it yet! :) The BEST Fireflies view so far I experienced was the Kota Tinggi Fireflies...

Behind the tower, the is another Mud Trail. This trail is different from the previous post, because you will be walking directly into the mud! Prepare your boots!

The start point of the Mud Trail

I spotted another Benchmark over there. Seems like a GPS Station.

Next it will bring you to the Obstacle Course where most of the nature lover like it! There are two entrance with two different course. I'm not sure what the different inside, cause I cannot enter it by wearing sandals...:)

First Obstacle entrance. You got to swing to enter it!

Inside the course

The exit of the First Course

Then follow by the second course...

The second course, which I was trying to pass through it...but fail!

Inside the second course

Overall, I love this area very much! Beside the attack of the Wild Monkeys! haha! I believe there must be a way to chase away the monkeys during the night fall...do you have any idea?

Related post :
* The Southern Most Tip of Mainland Asia - Tanjung Piai of Johor (Part 1)
* Fiddler Crab at Tanjung Piai (Cape) - Johor
* The Jetty of Tanjung Piai (Cape) - Johor (Part 2)
Bluespotted Stingray at Tanjung Piai - Johor
* The Thrid Trail of Piai Cape (Tanjung) - Johor (Part 3)


Chủ Nhật, 27 tháng 12, 2009

The Third Trail of Piai Cape (Tanjung) - Johor (Part 3)

The third trail doesn't has a name...while we stepped in, there were many monkeys waiting for us! Haha! So I called this trail : "Trail to monkey territory".

Monkeys along the trail

Sometimes this monkeys can be dangerous...they will grab whatever food you bring along. It's safe that you don't carry any with you.
By the time when we getting close to the group of monkeys, they all ran into the jungle...I believe they knew that we don't have any food for them! :)

Halfway of the trail, we heard very noisy monkeys screaming in the jungle, the whole group of them were having a War in the jungle!! I saw many of them (from the both group) jump and run very fast into the jungle...to help!

We were trying (very hard) to snap some pictures of the Fight, too bad after we seek high & low also couldn't spot any of them, but the noise was really Loud!

Observation tower at Monkey Territory

There was another Observation Tower at the end of this trail too...but I cannot figured out what was the tower for?!

The start point of the Mud Trail

On the right of the tower, there was a 'Mud Trail'. Wondering where the trail lead to, we stepped on it and walk...haha! it's only about 100 meter on the swamp area.

The end of the Mud Trail

There's nothing much about this trail...so we just walked back.
I saw s few groups of Taiwan tourist came from the different direction of us...this is really a good spot for tourist. But I think they came to witness the 'Tip' more than the nature over here...

Saw some of the monkeys crawl out of the jungle after their war. We think these are the group who won the Fight! Don't you think so? :)
We just try to snap some of the pictures of the Victory group...

They even walk on trail and not scare of strangers...

Many photos been taken from this particular monkey (looks like their leader) before it jumped over to Attacked us!! Haha!

The monkey which attacked us!

We continue our session to the 'Bebaru Trail'...

Related post :
* The Southern Most Tip of Mainland Asia - Tanjung Piai of Johor (Part 1)
* Fiddler Crab at Tanjung Piai (Cape) - Johor
* The Jetty of Tanjung Piai (Cape) - Johor (Part 2)
Bluespotted Stingray at Tanjung Piai - Johor
* Bebaru Trail of Piai Cape (Tanjung) - Johor (Part 4)